Friday, August 13, 2010

Popcorn Pick 8-13-10

This week, given the choices of new movies, I couldn't help but do a double Pick. Hitting cinemas this week are two movies that couldn't be more different from one another. One is a testosterone-infused action romp strictly for men, and a sweet romantic dramedy for the ladies. So if you are your significant other are looking for a movie to see together, maybe you two can compromise and make it a double feature!
For the ladies, comes the much-anticipated Eat Pray Love, the adaptation of the hugely popular true-story book, starring one of the biggest movie stars in the world, Julia Roberts. She plays a depressed divorcee who travels around the world for a year to discover herself and have the adventure she always wanted. Along the way she indulges in food and tries to stay away from men. The film co-stars Billy Crudup (Watchmen), James Franco, Richard Jenkins (The Visitor), and Javier Bardem (No Country For Old Men).
For the guys, there's an old-school action movie set in the jungle and filled with huge muscley guys and big guns. This, of course, is The Expendables. Any semblance of a plot is thrown out the window to make way for explosions and cool stunts. Sylvester Stallone directs and leads an impressive ensemble cast that includes Mickey Rourke (Iron Man 2), Jet Li, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Jason Statham, and Randy Couture (The Scorpion King 2). One scene featuring cameos from action-movie legends Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger should make the whole thing worth it.

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